Plaintiffs Fighting Golden Gate Closure Given Chance To Continue Fighting
Can't get out of this that easy.

A Career In Legal Services: Practising Law Institute Honors Toby J. Rothschild
PLI honors Toby J. Rothschild with its inaugural Victor J. Rubino Award for Excellence in Pro Bono Training, recognizing his dedication and impact.

Golden Gate University Sued By Students And Alumni Over Poor Management
I get the feeling the school shouldn't budget around alumni donations in the years to come.

Even Golden Gate Law’s Exit Strategy Has A Low Passage Rate
So much for finishing strong.

Golden Gate Law Will Not Be Handing Out Any More JDs
Finish strong.

The Next Chapter In Legal Tech Innovation: Introducing Protégé™
Meet LexisNexis Protégé™, the new AI assistant that leverages personalization choices controlled by the user or their organization to optimize the individual’s AI experience.

Bumps Or No Bumps, A Free Ride At Law School Is A Free Ride
Just hope your ticket comes with a transfer.

Law School Won’t Close Next Year, But The Year After That Looks A Little Bleak
This isn't exactly the rhetoric of a school with a long future.

Law School Braces For Vote That May Close Its Doors Forever
After years of headlines that prominently feature the word 'struggling' and 'troubled,' this isn't a huge surprise.

Single Mom Breaks Down Her Law School Experience By The Relevant Numbers
The most important number comes last.

Best Practices In Trust Accounting: What Every Lawyer Needs To Know
Learn legal trust accounting best practices to ensure compliance and protect client funds. Discover expert tips to set your firm up for success.

ABA Is Still Cracking Down On Law Schools That Admit Students Who Seem Incapable Of Graduating, Passing Bar Exam
Which law schools will be the next to face the ABA’s wrath?

Good Grief: These Law School ‘Debt Per Job’ Numbers Are Ugly
For every job obtained by a graduate of these law schools, an extraordinary debt burden has been accrued.

Morning Docket: 03.26.15
* If you thought Squire Patton Boggs would be able to meet its projection of $1 billion in combined revenue after its merger, you'd be wrong. If you thought the firm would be able to meet its projection of having more than 1,500 lawyers after its merger, you'd also be wrong. [National Law Journal] * Use this slideshow to compare how California law schools are doing in terms of job placement. Stanford was on top, and Golden Gate was dead last. Bonus: If you strip out school-funded jobs, the numbers look even worse. [Sacramento Business Journal] * Uh... oops? Keila Ravelo, the ex-Willkie Farr partner who was accused of stealing millions of dollars from two of her former firms, is now at the center of questions over settlements in credit-card cases she worked on. [New York Law Journal via ABA Journal] * "Please help us heal." David Messerschmitt's widow is begging for information about the DLA Piper associate's death. The case is being actively investigated, and police believe the person of interest who was seen on surveillance footage is a woman. [Legal Times] * In case you missed it yesterday, U.S. Army Sgt. Bowe Bergdahl was charged with desertion and misbehavior before the enemy. The first charge could result in up to five years in jail, while the second could result in a life sentence. Yikes! [WSJ Law Blog]

ATL March Madness: The Worst Law School In America — First Round
Voting begins for the Worst Law School In America! Polls close Sunday night.

ATL March Madness: The Worst Law School In America — Bracket Released
Time to while away your Monday filling out a bracket.